"Imagine Martin in the News: Media Highlights & Community Coverage"
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This week on Imagine Martin on TV host Jeff Sauer & guest host Alexis Rojo open the show with Jeff Sauer's interview with Imagine Martin's Chairman Jeff Rouse followed by Artful Conversations with Terry Viesselman from Vee's Bees and Karin & Brad Carlson from Carlson Garden & Woodcraft.
Imagine Martin chairman Jeff Rouse visits with Kelsey Barchenger and Nick Beck on KEYC/ Kato Living about the mission of the non-profit!

Our first project, Going Hog Wild, has received significant media coverage. Below, you'll find a CBS National News story, the latest print feature, and a special Imagine Martin on TV episode featuring interviews with the Going Hog Wild committee.
CLICK HERE to explore highlights from additional media coverage!
CBS National News picked up WCCO's story about Going Hog Wild / Martin County MN !
On this episode of Martin County on TV you will see the pilot episode of Imagine Martin on TV. Hosts Jeff & Al share the history of Imagine Martins first project Going Hog Wild in Martin County and an interview with Martin County artists & Going Hog Wild Committee Members Ashley Jensen Haake & Nancy Katzer.